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Cyberpunk 2D side scroller with puzzle-solving, platforming, combat, and the Shell System


  • It is a game that has a tone like The Last Night and Replaced, puzzle-solving by reading the documents, and understanding hints, the player has to deduct where they should go next, and eventually reach the truth.

  • Story with a similar theme of thought like Ghost in the Shell; the combat part will be like cover-shooting, cyberpunk 2D side-scroller with platform levels; 

  • Highly immersive UI



  • A story discusses deep topics like Ghost in the Shell beneath a light and quick revenge/detective story with some simply mysterious (what if the character you start with is not with the original mind?)

  • Death starts to mean nothing, if death ceases to exist, what will be the meaning of everlasting life?



  • Mostly enclosed area, forced to face enemies head-to-head. But also a public environment for traversal. Indoor will be like Alter Carbon, outdoor will be like Neuromancer: crowded, messy, and indifferent.

  • There are intrusive access devices, Transmission Pod, at certain locations in the level, and you can access them to place Shells into the Pods before you start the mission.

  • Also, there will be plenty of covers that are interactable, traps/obstacles/puzzles that require reading of documents or chatting with characters to gain hints to solve it the best, but still solvable with costs if you just want to experience the combat part in the levels.



  • The combat part includes stealth, taking covers, using injections, shooting, puzzle-solving, and platforming, they will be looping in levels.

  • When you plan to place Shells before the mission starts, you can choose how much money and which weapon you want to ‘save’ on them, so that when the character you are controlling is dead, you transmit your mind to a Shell, and it will become the character you control and continue the game with.

  • Stealth/Loud with the corresponding game state, the aggressiveness and quantity of AI with being different (different functions/abilities)

  • Enemies drop ammo after being killed, to encourage combat and play activities.

  • Each level introduces new enemies, who use different injections, after beating them, get the new tech & new injection to use (4 levels)



  • Enemies can use recoveries (injections), patrol, attack



The Cyberpunk world is always brutal and dangerous, everything is fatal.

Brand new gaming mechanics - dynamic checkpoint


  • Can switch between different Shells by mind transmission pod [should be used to connect to Plateau, a collective consciousness network, but the protagonist found a way to reverse-engineered and able to control others’ bodies], required planning before going into combat, otherwise, difficult to escape and won’t have a second chance. Able to experience planning, thrilling gunfire combat, deduction & puzzle-solving

  • The gameplay mechanics requires complete immersion, the puzzle-solving part will require the player to collect, read and make deductions based on the documents, hints, and conversations [persuade, violence, bribe ($): won’t affect the advance of the plot but relationships and their storyline] with different characters in the game (there won’t be direct guidance to complete the main quest); there will also be a living system requires money ($): rent, food, ‘Shell’ that is strong, such as vets, super augmented, etc. [mindless body: their mind was uploaded to Plateau already or diagnosed as permanent death] or they can be picked up on the street but with weaker traits, injections (bullet time buff) & weapons (both are upgradable) & accessories (infrared laser) from the black market, Portable Transmission Device.

  • $ can be gained from some fun mini-games, and sell collected items/things bought from the black market (but at a lower price).

  • New enemies, new weapons, new applicable strategies in new environments



  • Have to mind where to die/allocate weapons on different bodies beforehand/allocate how many and where the Shells should be deployed so that the respawn Shell can get to the body and collect everything back before the Corpse Processing Team arrives. (with countdown timer)

  • Shells are the dynamic checkpoint of the game, can have a shell at a safe house that stores things & money that the player thinks the following mission won’t need. However, if all Shells were dead, so as the real character so restart the whole game.

  • After death, goes to Plateau, and finds the suitable Shell that is placed in the level if there are multiple.

  • Hacking - decode others’ mind loop

  • Endless enemy waves, so that the player must keep proceeding forward in the interval of waves.

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